Free Tour / Orientation
The first step in initiating care is to register for a free informational session. Learn about our model of care, what to expect as a client and our financial policy. Come tour our facility, meet some of our staff and bring your questions!
Prenatal Care
Prenatal visits are 30-60 minutes long, you decide! We strongly encourage first time moms to schedule the longer appointments as we will cover pertinent educational topics at each appointment. Care generally begins between 10-12 weeks gestation and we see you every 4 weeks until you are 32 weeks, then every 2 weeks until you are 36-37 weeks and weekly until your baby is born
Labor & Delivery
- Waterbirth
- Vaginal birth after one cesarean
- Use of birthing balls, birth stools, and birth slings
- Freedom of movement
- Aromatherapy and herbal tinctures
- Body work if desired
- Individual sound system for your favorite labor mix
Postpartum Care
- Home visit at 24 hours and again between 3-5 days
- In office visits at 3 weeks and 6 weeks
Newborn Care
- Screening for Critical Congenital Heart Disease, Hearing Screening, and Newborn Metabolic Screening
- Well child visits up to 28 days of age
- We file the birth certificate and information for a social security card
Well Woman Care
- Yearly physicals
- Birth Control
- Thermal Image Scanning